Ben fell in love with this little piece of paradise as soon as he saw it.
This place is one of a kind and the marron seem to think so too. Covered in around 15km of winding channels, there is plenty of room for them to build their homes in the limestone 'cliffs' that line the edges of the channels.
The channels are filled naturally with limestone filtered ground water. They are dug into the limestone crust which means pristine water and no mud, leaving the marron and yabbies beautifully clean and often, vibrant blue from the fresh water.
We utilise the land on the property to crop a mixture of grains and hay to feed the marron and yabbies. They love our secret home made recipe! Growing our own food ensures there are no pesticides fed to the crustaceans or introduced to their water.
We harvest the marron and yabbies by cruising around in the evening and setting pots then the next morning we get to pull pots filled with the beautiful beasts. They then chill out in our purging tanks for at least a couple of days to clean out their insides and get them perfect for sale.
Check out some photos from around the farm below or follow us on instagram & facebook for all our #farmlife updates!